ERAMCA Project Reference: 609574-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Last changes:

WP 5

Lead organisation: BUW



The fifth work package is dedicated to the training of teachers and staff from different institutions. The training will be carried out with at least 4 representatives (faculties and staff) from each of the Universities involved respectively from Programme and Partner Countries.

The training will start with a face-to-face intensive training week hosted by Programme Universities. The second phase of the training course will be delivered by Partner Universities, which will develop teaching material for the practical lessons. The prepared material will be analysed, discussed, emended, and approved by all the partners.

Training will be assessed and the lesson learnt will be accumulated in various reports and make available for future purposes. In particular, based on the results of training sessions and lesson learnt, there will be a strong link with WP3 and WP4.

The Work Package will achieve the following results:

  • Creation of a program of training for teachers and staff;
  • Teacher and staff training sessions.


Task 5.1 Creation of a program of training for teachers and staff

The program of training for teachers and staff will be prepared in this Task. It consists in the definition of modules and contents of the training, including pedagogical issues, the schedule, and the delivery mode (e.g. face to face/online). Moreover, it includes the enrolment and delivery periods, the learning outcomes and methods for evaluation.

Task 5.2 Selection of trainers

This task will include the criteria of selection of faculty members and international experts that will join the training program as trainers. Criteria will include specific scientific, management or technical skills. In particular, profiles covering identified focal areas and topics will be considered with priority. In addition, faculties and technical staff with experiences in digital learning will be selected with priority. External, experts, especially industrial stakeholders, will be include in order to lectures in their field of competence. The task will therefore consider the promotion of the training course for interested faculty members. Finally, it will manage the collection of application forms, screening and definition of the final list of participants.

Task 5.3 Selection of teachers and staff

This task will consider the selection of teachers and staff who will participate in the training session. Selection criteria will include specific scientific or management skills, previous engagement in educational activities concerning with Environment risks and/or disciplines present in the Master. The task will include the promotion of the training course as well as the collection of applicant forms, screening and definition of a final list of participants.

Task 5.4 Organization and delivery of a training session

In this task, the training session will be organized. The different topics to be faced with training teachers and staff will be planned and delivered. All the selected people will follow a full time week in one of the Programme Universities. A complete list of the material to be prepared by them will be discussed and approved. In the following three months the selected people have to prepare the teaching material by contacting, if necessary the experts. All the produced material will be shared among the partners, discussed and approved.

Task 5.5 Success of training and lessons learned

This task will consider the creation of an evaluation protocol for the training sessions. This protocol will first account for the assessment of the objectives and experiences of faculty members. If necessary, some modifications will be done concerning with tasks in WP3 and WP4.


D5.1 Creation of a program of training for teachers and staff _Final
D5.4_Organization and delivery of a training session

Other Work Packages

WP 1

This first work package aims to investigate skills and competence requirements in the environmental risk assessment e.g. seismic

WP 2

This second work package aims to investigate existing curricula and courses in the field of environmental risk assessment and mitigation

WP 3

This third work package aims to design and develop multi-disciplinary courses for a Master in Cultural Heritage conservation in Central

WP 4

This forth work package deals with the creation of teaching material hypertext based in order to support theoretical and practical multi-disciplinary

WP 6

In this Work Package a test “on-the-field” will be launched. In a first step at least one University of each Partner Countries will select a

WP 7

The aim of this Work Package is to set procedures, criteria and resources for monitoring the project in order to meet its diversified targets

WP 8

This eighth work package sets the conditions, accomplishes the dissemination of the project, and prepares all activities necessary to

WP 9

This work package aims to ensure that the overall objectives of the ERAMCA project will be achieved within the foreseen time and budget