ERAMCA Project Reference: 609574-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Last changes:

WP 2

Lead organisation: KPITTU

Partner organisation: POLITO, BUW, UNIOS, TTPU, SamSACII, IWPHE, TTU



This second work package aims to investigate existing curricula and courses in the field of environmental risk assessment and mitigation on Cultural Heritage assets in Partner Country Universities.

The aim of this analysis is to:

  • survey about curricula in the field of environmental risk assessment and mitigation actions, and coherence with the ERAMCA Strategic Education Agenda;
  • survey and classify existing courses in the field of seismic engineering, hydrogeology, restoration;
  • survey and classify the basic knowledge provided in the Partner Countries for civil, building, environmental engineers, and architect;


Review available teaching material and teaching methods.

Overall, the Work Package will enable to identify gaps in focal areas at the level of curricula, specific courses and contents with respect to ERAMCA Strategic Education Agenda. Furthermore, it will be possible to identify both strengthen and weakness of local faculty with respect to focal areas and suitability of teaching material and methods including digital learning and learning by doing. In addition, it will be possible to understand which the level of the possible student basic knowledge is. Coherent strategies will be adopted to offer to each of them a feasible education project.


Task 2.1 Identification of existing curricula in environmental risk assessment and mitigation

This task includes the identification of existing curricula close to seismic engineering, hydrogeology, restoration (e.g., civil, building, environmental engineering, architecture, conservation). The analysis will consider the coherence of these curricula with the ERAMCA Strategic Education Agenda. The classification of curricula will be done according to the previous identified focal areas.

Task 2.2 Identification and classification of existing courses in the field of environmental risk assessment and mitigation

This task includes the analysis and classification of existing courses basing on contents in environmental risk assessment and mitigation (e.g. seismic engineering, hydrogeology, restoration). As first, starting from focal areas, and basing on the results from ERAMCA Strategic Education Agenda, some focal topics will be identified for each focal area. For example, in the focal area of risk assessment, possible focal topics could be seismic risk and hydrogeological risk. Therefore, a taxonomy of existing courses will be created with respect to focal areas and stimulate a discussion and provide a background for further elaborations. The Strategy Forum Workshop will be held in Tashkent.

Task 2.3 Review of available teaching material and teaching methods

This task includes the analysis and classification of the available teaching material in environmental risk assessment and mitigation. Teaching methods will be assessed at the level of Partner EHI. Concerning with teaching material, the available books, lecture notes, practice materials and educational-labs will be considered, collected and analysed together in three areas:

  • traditional education including lecture, seminar and workshop, visit, e-learning, etc.;
  • participative education including exhibition, assignment, e-collaboration, project work/making, business case, etc.;
  • learning by doing including assignment, joint projects/making, technical assistance, tutoring on the job, etc.

Task 2.4 Assessing basic knowledge for Civil, Building, Environmental engineers and architects.

This task includes the analysis and classification of the basic knowledge of Civil, Building, Environmental engineering and architectural schools in Partner Countries to define the common background of future students. A detailed investigation about the topics given in the different Partner Countries on the main disciplines that the ERAMCA Strategic Education Agenda could consider as achieved knowledge to start with the innovative teaching proposals. To assess the above-mentioned teaching methods, a questionnaire will be prepared and proposed to the faculties of different partner Universities. Finally, students’ evaluation methods will be considered as well considering both traditional and crowd-grading procedure. These areas will be investigated always under the lens of multi-disciplinary approach.



Other Work Packages

WP 1

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WP 3

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WP 4

This forth work package deals with the creation of teaching material hypertext based in order to support theoretical and practical multi-disciplinary

WP 5

The fifth work package is dedicated to the training of teachers and staff from different institutions. The training will be carried out with

WP 6

In this Work Package a test “on-the-field” will be launched. In a first step at least one University of each Partner Countries will select a

WP 7

The aim of this Work Package is to set procedures, criteria and resources for monitoring the project in order to meet its diversified targets

WP 8

This eighth work package sets the conditions, accomplishes the dissemination of the project, and prepares all activities necessary to

WP 9

This work package aims to ensure that the overall objectives of the ERAMCA project will be achieved within the foreseen time and budget