ERAMCA Project Reference: 609574-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Last changes:

WP 8

Lead organisation: UNIOS
Partner organisation: POLITO, BUW, TTPU, SamSACII, IWPHE, TTU, KPITTU, associated partners


This eighth work package sets the conditions, accomplishes the dissemination of the project, and prepares all activities necessary to its exploitation. The final goal is that the results and all activities related to the project are widely known at international level and that the highest possible visibility is gained in the common educational arena. In addition, dissemination may have high value for the involvement of external stakeholders.

The strong partnership of universities ensures the high visibility of the project and the related dissemination of results. The dissemination activities will be carried out through the development of the ERAMCA website, the use of brochures, the preparation of scientific papers and the participation to conferences and events.

Social media (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter) will be also used for dissemination and to announce for most relevant activities.

In addition, the preparation of an Exploitation Plan is foreseen in this Work Package. The aim is that project results will be available to different users after the end of the project. Especially, the exploitation plan will focus on increasing relations with industrial stakeholders that could hire high talented and skilled attendees of the Master in Environmental risk assessment and mitigation on Cultural Heritage assets in Central Asia.

A second line of the exploitation strategy is to promote the role of participating Universities as references for Cultural Heritage environmental risk assessment and mitigation. This role should include not only technical expertise but also a cultural vision that could stimulate society and engage citizens.

UNESCO Office in Tashkent and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan will diffuse their experience in ERAMCA project inside their agencies and depending bodies.


Task 8.1 Drawing up of Dissemination & Exploitation strategy

This task consists in the identification of the mission, long-term beneficiaries, targets and phases to be implemented in the framework of the project.

Task 8.2 Implementing a multimedia dissemination strategy

The Website of the project will be designed and the use of social media will be enabled to help in the dissemination of the project. In addition, a video promo of the project will be prepared at POLITO with the collaboration of all partners.

Task 8.3 Papers and conferences

Results of the work will be presented at selected international conferences in the field of: earthquake engineering conferences, Cultural Heritage documentation and Conservation, education, energy and sustainability. In this way, it would be possible to broadening contacts with key stakeholders.

Task 8.4 Final workshop

Following the Strategy Forum Workshop organized in the framework of the Task 1.1, a final Forum Workshop will be organized to show the achievements of the project and to set conditions with stakeholders to implement closer collaboration (e.g., learning by doing).


Video presentation

Other Work Packages

WP 1

This first work package aims to investigate skills and competence requirements in the environmental risk assessment e.g. seismic

WP 2

This second work package aims to investigate existing curricula and courses in the field of environmental risk assessment and mitigation

WP 3

This third work package aims to design and develop multi-disciplinary courses for a Master in Cultural Heritage conservation in Central

WP 4

This forth work package deals with the creation of teaching material hypertext based in order to support theoretical and practical multi-disciplinary

WP 5

The fifth work package is dedicated to the training of teachers and staff from different institutions. The training will be carried out with

WP 6

In this Work Package a test “on-the-field” will be launched. In a first step at least one University of each Partner Countries will select a

WP 7

The aim of this Work Package is to set procedures, criteria and resources for monitoring the project in order to meet its diversified targets

WP 9

This work package aims to ensure that the overall objectives of the ERAMCA project will be achieved within the foreseen time and budget